Thursday, February 21, 2013

Why I Didn't Sew Yesterday...

That was my occupation yesterday!
Yep, after two hours of tennis I swung by the landscape vendor and they just happened to have the pickup truck load of topsoil and a pallet of sod available and could deliver it in half an hour.  We're expecting rain tomorrow and I have been struggling to regrade that part of my lawn which I suspect is the last part necessary to put a stop to the small leak in my basement.  Naturally DBF and I have been having an argument about just how this work should be accomplished.  Apparently he thinks it all needs to be more thought out and I am all for "do it now and if it's not right, re-do it later".  After all, if it IS right, then you are finished, correct?  So he stomped around, not being able to find the rake, and finally went to bed for a nap.  Later I find he's coming down with a cold, and so very cranky.  But that meant I did the whole thing myself, smoothing out a load of soil with a hoe (no rake), then hauling and placing a load of sod.  I did not order enough sod so today I have to go back and get more.
Then, because I was still irritated at Henry I went into the barn, located all the tools where he had scattered them everywhere, and hung them up neatly.  My late husband was an engineer.  While he certainly had his own little quirks, at least he was always very neat and everything was kept in it's place.

Meanwhile, to finish (or begin) my day, I was awakened at 6 this morning by my cat.  She meowed and meowed so loudly and strangely I thought she was ill.  But no.  She had proudly caught the tiny little mouse that has been plaguing us recently.  I almost never have mice, due to the fact that I always have a cat.  This time I woke Henry up and demanded he do his duty and dispose of the mouse.  So here I am, awake at an ungodly hour, and no reason to go back to bed because I will soon have to get up for the tennis match anyway.  And more sodding to come!  I can almost understand why the English use "sodding" as a curse word, although I suspect their meaning isn't quite what my meaning is....


ACorgiHouse said...

Looks like a bang up job to me. I'm struggling with a wood flooring issue, I would trade it for the sodding anytime! Hope it fixes your leak. K

KC said...

Next time I take to my bed with the sniffles I hope someone sods the yard for me! You are a miracle!

Miasews said...

Yes, and did I mention I am over 70 years old? lol.