Monday, May 28, 2007

Riding to the rescue

My son came down for the long Memorial Day weekend. He was so needed! of course DH was still in the hospital, but I sent Patrick to my flip house instead. We worked like fiends and the physical exercise was so restful! I slept well for the first time in over a week. Of course the first few days of DH in ICU were dreadful beyond words, stress is not even the word for it, plus sleeping in a chair was not so good for my back. This is the third time in three months DH has been hospitalized. This time, renal failure. He had just seen the doctor on Friday at 5 pm and Saturday morning we were in the emergency room. I am trying not to give into guilt about not recognizing the signs he needs to go, because this is the third ER visit and every time it is different. What a struggle to cope. I have finally called for help, and Patrick was the first in (I didn't even have to ask, God Bless him.) Then I had the carpets cleaned and have arranged for housecleaners every two weeks. Tomorrow I am calling for home health care for a few days per week so I can get away from it all. I will go paint, clean, drag garbage from the flip and work myself into a sweat. I may also get back to the swimming pool and the sewing machine.

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