Sunday, March 8, 2009

You know you're recovering when...

I am really getting itchy to finish the projects left undone when I fractured my wrist. Of them all, and there were dozens, the most irritating are the curtains in my family room. My perch while recovering is the sofa, where I lay and watch mindless hours of TV. One of the windows directly in my view has the new curtains up, but the other curtains are still by my ironing board. My wrist has recovered to the point that I could get them ironed, but then I would really be tempted to climb up on something to try to hang them, and I sense disaster in that course...

But I really think I could handle putting the new drawer pulls on the closet doors and drawers in the guest room. The painters finished up a week ago, but I still haven't bought the new handles, outlet covers, light fixture. I know I can still shop!


a little sewing said...

step away from the ladder!

goodness, I know how you feel. Keep recovering, and shop all you want.

Patricia said...

Oh, I feel for you!
It must be very frustrating, but you don't want to take a chance making it any worse.