Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Wedding DVD Cases

The DVDs I've been working on are being burned by my son, who will mail them to me when finished. My little Viao laptop doesn't have an integral burner, and the external one Henry bought me is not doing the job. Meanwhile I've been working on a nice presentation for the DVDs. There is a seller on Etsey who has some really nice ones, but they are $22 each, plus shipping. That's a little beyond the budget since I'm doing a bunch of these for family members and have already bought a new program to do the darn thing anyway (plus a couple of wedding gifts...). So I put on my creative hat, hit the Dollar Store and looked around. These are cut out from paper plates. I'm also going to look at a specialty stationery store and The Container Store for something more suitable. Don't you think that with the proliferation of video/slideshow DVDs there would be an affordable commercial option for a pretty presentation?

1 comment:

Audrey said...

You might also check at Office Max, Staples, Walmart etc. I bought a stack of thin translucent plastic CD holders a while back. Mine were circular. I can't remember where I bought them. I am thinking you could print titles on decorative paper. Cut the paper out in the same shape and size as the holder and put it under the top. Though I think your paper plate holder are clever and really pretty.