Saturday, November 3, 2012

Pictures will follow

I made it home safely from the Hurricane Sandy zone.  In fact, I was only a day late in returning, even though BWI was closed for a couple of days.  I had expected the airport to be a zoo, but all was pretty calm.  There's an alternate security checkpoint that my son told me about, and I was it's sole good is that!  The only trouble I had was that I forgot the powercord to my computer and am not using my laptop, conserving the battery until I receive the cord in the mail.  So, for now, no pictures.  Mainly I spent the time helping my son and his girlfriend move into their new digs.  So much so that when I got home I collapsed for a couple of days and now must pack for the next trip.  Not too much sewing on the immediate horizon, but I have the Style Arc Wendy pants on the cutting table and I'm eager to see how well they sew up with no alterations.

1 comment:

sci5 said...

Please update on on your unaltered Wendy pants.
I am having grief figuring the waistband. I see that many people have altered the waistband.
How did it work for you and do you have those pics?