Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Making the Same Thing Over versus Trying Out a New Pattern

There is a current discussion over at Artisan's Square regarding one's making a pattern over and over.  I tend to do that because I find the Big 5 pattern companies' fit and my shape rarely match.  Over the years I find I am short waisted, hollow chested, narrow shouldered, high round back, poochy stomach, and other body faults that do not fit a model size at all.  So it is just too much trouble to make a lot of huge changes to a paper pattern.  Off and on throughout the years I have been a member of Pattern Review, a very helpful and popular site which of course reviews different patterns and is a great place to begin a search for a new look in a pattern. The Renfrew top by Sewaholic Patterns is one that is currently on my radar.  It has tons of great reviews:  but I have a TNT tee shirt pattern and what's so hard about adding a cowl?  By Hand London receives rave reviews over the blogosphere and all their patterns look darling on the real women who make them up.  But really, are they any different from this dress:

Different fabric, different neckline, a straight skirt, long sleeves, and you have a completely different dress, and one that fits.  That's just my take on the subject, anyway.  Maybe it's just because I'm an old fogey.


PoldaPop said...

I don't have to do too many adjustments to patterns (sloped shoulder, upper back, lengthen bodice, sometimes a sway back) but enough so that when I've altered a pattern, I want to get as much use out of it as possible. I love trying to make a dress into a top or a top into a dress, changing up the skirt of a dress, or the neckline on the bodice. I think some of the indie patterns are truly unique, and sometimes better drafted than the commercial ones, but generally, I'd rather see if I can get the look by changing up one of my TNTs. And I've become a lot more discerning about which patterns I tackle - I want to have some ideas about how I can make it over and over again with a few changes before I go through the trouble of fitting it. I'm with you on Repeat!

BeaJay said...

Yes I know what you mean. I just finished my 6th StyleArc creative cate top. Love that top. You have found a lovely pattern for a dress there so why not use it to create more?