Monday, March 3, 2008

Sewing Expo is Coming

The Atlanta Sewing Expo starts Thursday! This is a treat I've been looking forward to. I've signed up for classes in Fashion Illustration (I have no idea why); and choosing patterns for one's own figure. This one I really need. I still think of myself as 110 pounds. Then I look in the mirror. I realize I really need to sew a whole different type of pattern now. At least I don't try pencil skirts! I had planned to sew up a bunch of things for the Expo and for the family reunion following closely on the heels of the Expo. But I haven't felt well for nearly all winter. The Expo arriving has prompted me (along with the remarks of several friends) that I have to go to the doctor. So I'm off to do that today. Wish me luck!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Glad to have found your blog. I hope you have a blast at that expo. I'm jealous never having been to one!