Saturday, January 25, 2014


Okay, so I don't have anything new to report on my "Coco" jacket from Style Arc.  I've been working on it but I don't usually take my camera down to my sewing room, so you are spared pictures of pieces of fabric randomly scattered around, or, more often, me with my seam ripper.  Why do I always sew the front of the jacket to the wrong side???

So today's post is simply a theft.  There's a wonderful post on The Wardrobe Architect about defining your core style.  There's a worksheet to download to help (I haven't done this yet).  But the post begins by citing Audrey Hepburn, Jackie Onassis, and Brigette Bardot as examples of women with an instantly recognizable style, so it has me hooked.  If it wasn't nearly midnight and I've just returned from a dance, I'd take that test tonight.  As it is, I already know I'd look like any one of the three, if only I could.

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