Friday, January 31, 2014

Thoughts of spring

Although the snow is still on the ground---and the doomsayers are predicting more to come sometime---I refuse to be gloomy because it's 40 degrees today and supposed to be in the 50s tomorrow.  After I finish the never ending Coco jacket (I found I have been trying to put the collar on upside down, rookie mistake) I plan to sew up my luscious Emma OneSock fabric into a plain pair of StyleArc pants and the old TNT turtleneck.  But THEN...spring sewing.  Fabric Mart has a sale on athletic knits so I'll probably order some for tennis.  And I was charmed by this Vogue pattern for a dance skirt:

There is an old saying:  "Mutton dressed as lamb."  Now, where I dance, we're all seniors.  And we wear what we want.  Still....yes or no?

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