Wednesday, January 29, 2014

TWO inches of snow!

To be fair, the tires on the hills (there are a LOT of hills in Atlanta) spin, and the resulting slush turns to ice immediately.

People were sleeping in schools, churches, and supermarkets.  Families opened their homes to strangers.  The last picture is of a gas station near my home where people parked their cars, and I presume, slept in the store.  I believe the problem is the same as it was in the 1980's, when I was in graduate school in downtown Atlanta.  Everyone was dismissed at exactly the same time of day.  Fortunately for me, my then husband worked at a downtown hotel and I was able to find a room there, and equally fortunately, reach my neighbor who took my son to her home for the night.  But I remember that event with such gratitude for my good luck and sympathy for those in today's plight.

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